Bringing together the clinicians who look after the nation’s feet
Taking conferences to the next level
For seven years we have been delivering ground-breaking national conferences that not only inspire the clinicians but also bring together all aspects of the industry who cares about the nation’s foot health. Our focus is on giving you an experience that will change your practice for the better.
See what’s going on
Upcoming events:
Liverpool conference
Digital event
CPD Events that bring 1000s of practitioners together to learn more about the matters that face clinicians today
7th-8th February 2024
Live in Liverpool. Come and join the premier Foot Health conference.
What it’s about
The Foot and Ankle show is the event where practitioners , educators and manufacturers come together. Attendance is important for everyone in the foot and ankle health industry.
The exhibition hall will be home to education tracks and a main stage presentation so that you can make your experience as unique as your own practice needs.

Why should I come?
An experience that will change your practice – international speakers, trade exhibition hall and networking events that will all make changes to how you practice on Monday.

What’s different?
Our talks get straight to the point with handpicked, truly inspirational speakers who will leave you with take home messages. We design the conference with you in mind by maximising your opportunity to select talks that matter to you and pick and mix the sessions you want to see.

Why exhibit?
Meet with a fully engaged audience of clinicians. Our delegates are decision-makers who care about improving their service and delivering a stand out practice.
Proud to have worked with

Book Tickets Now
Secure your place for the ultimate experience. Presentations covering topics across dermatology, MSK, business topics, leadership and much, much more. Tickets cover both days of CPD and bring you the latest in developments across clinical foot health.
Your practice is unique and so are your education needs. At any time, there will be a range of presentations covering the whole clinical and business spectrum meaning that there is less down time and more time to learn.
Listen to great story-tellers who can share experiences from practice, research, industry and running a business. Speakers come from across every cross-section of practice and life, with new and interesting perspectives that might change your look on practice.
The Foot and Ankle Show has been proud to host the latest in clinical breakthroughs across its history. Find out what is emerging and what is working to develop the profession. It’s more than just new products but how you deliver the care that matters to your patients.
February 2024 speakers include:

Trevor Prior

Lisa Perrie

Krishna Gohil

Sarah Bradshaw

Prof Waqar Bhatti

Hours of
clinical gems

Unique clinical