Education, Innovation.


Meet some previous speakers

Bringing you the CPD clinicians love

We’ll be announcing the latest line up of speakers from the world of Foot and Ankle health soon. In the meantime check out some of our previous speakers

Rena Francis FRCPodS

Specialist Registrar in Podiatric Surgery

Rena graduated with an Honour’s Bachelor of Science degree in Podiatry from The University of Westminster and a Post Graduate Diploma in the Theory of Podiatric Surgery from the University of Brighton. She gained her Surgical Fellowship in 2019 from the Royal College of Podiatry.

Actively involved in promoting her profession through local regional and national presentations and has been involved in the HCPC Annotation of Podiatric Surgery project. She is a regular faculty member on cadaver dissection and surgical skills for podiatrist courses and regularly assists on workshops for potential and aspiring podiatric surgeons.

Within her current role as SpR in Podiatric Surgery at Buxton Hospital she is involved in elective surgery of the foot and ankle, but also has key involvement in MDT care and management of high risk diabetic patients with limb threatening diabetic foot ulcers, limb salvage and amputation prevention.

Rena was born in Iraq and was raised in England after her family were offered refugee status in the United Kingdom after the second gulf war in 1991. She is trilingual and fluent in Aramiac (Syriac), Arabic and English.

Diabetic foot surgery and limb salvage. The Role of Podiatric surgery in preventing foot ulceration

  • Economic burden for the NHS. Estimated total cost is 1 billion per year (Kerr, 2017) and predicted to double 2011-2036 (Hex et al, 2012)
  • It is the most common cause of non-traumatic foot amputations
  • High mortality rates at 70% within 5 years post amputation (Armstrong et al, 2017)
  • Out comes often worse than some malignant cancers (Espensen and Armstrong, 2017)

Podiatric Surgeons can offer advice and treatment when all conservative or medical treatment has failed such as antibiotics therapy and offloading. Surgical intervention can range from elective, preventative/prophylactic and emergency surgery saving a limb and or life.

Patients are categorised to Urgent, Curative, Prophylactic and Elective so that urgent patients get treatment in timely manner to help also in reducing risk of amputation.

This presentation will highlight the indications for each of the above surgical considerations and the role of Podiatric surgery in the diabetes multidisciplinary team (MDT).

Peter Malliaras

Professor of Physiotherapy Research

About me

Peter Malliaras is a physiotherapist and researcher from Melbourne, Australia focusing on the problem of tendinopathy. Currently, he is a Professor at Monash University Physiotherapy Department and involved in multiple tendinopathy research projects in Australia and internationally.

His research focuses on understanding pain and neuromuscular impairments, and clinical trials testing the efficacy of exercise and other interventions in tendinopathy. Peter maintains a strong clinical focus, consulting to people with difficult tendinopathy presentations.

Managing Achilles tendinopathy: strategies for individualising treatment

Achilles tendinopathy is very common among people involved in running and running sports but can impact people who are less active (6% of the general population are affected). Considering biopsychosocial factors in assessment, guided by current evidence, helps to identify impairments and potential contributors and guides patient-centred management. In the tendinopathy literature, physical (eg, strength and biomechanics) impairments have been extensively investigated, with greater attention more recently on psychological factors and the lived experience. This lecture will outline how targeted biopsychosocial assessment can be used to facilitate patient-centred and individualised care.

Colin Papworth

Podiatrist / Clinic Owner

About me

I have been working as a podiatrist since 1999 and working with runners for most of the last 20 years at all levels of ability. I have a clinic in a running shop as well as my other clinics. This gives me access to trying many different running shoes and also providing up to date information for my patients. I work independently and as part of multidisciplinary teams that include coaches, physios, sports therapists at all levels.

My main interest has been in working with runners to develop their running technique to help with efficiency and injury recover and prevention. Although these are fairly broad statements I feel that we need to understand the way someone moves and work them to make changes to this. I have worked with movement coaches and use yoga, Pilates and breathwork to address movement changes and try to address all the relevant areas of the runners lifestyle. Most of my running assessment are carried out in the clinic, or just outside, but I also take people up on the hills close to where I have my clinics so we can analyse them in their normal running environments. I see a lot of fell and trail runners and it is good to be able to analyse in the hills.

I have produced and led workshops for the general public that range for 1hour to all day events looking at running technique. I have produced workshops for therapists to learn how to assess runners and carried out many talks to local clubs and running groups.

Assessing the Injured Runner and using your Smart Phone tablet.

This presentation will discuss presentation of chronic running injuries and how I feel we should approach these patients in our clinics. This will involve the questions we should be asking and talking about the relevance of footwear, training, lifestyle and running motivation / goals.

I shall look at how to use our smart phones or tablets to undertake a running gait analysis and the main points of what to look for. There will be discussion regarding running technique and how and when we should suggest changes to be make and I will talk about how I go about this with runners. The reasons why we should suggest changes and the impacts these will have on the runner will also be discussed.

Hopefully this will give you some pointers on treating runners without having to feel you need high tech gait analysis equipment. These points are something you can use in your clinics, you just need a bit our outside space to have a look at someone run.

Tim Pargeter

Sports Podiatrist

About me

Tim is the Director and Principal Podiatrist of Foot & Ankle. A Podiatry clinic focused solely on improving foot and ankle pain, function and performance.

Tim graduated from CSU Australia in 2016, and has since embarked on clinical settings involving foot and ankle surgery rehabilitation, injury management, sports Podiatry and Paediatrics.

Calcaneal Apophysitis – is ‘traction’ fully to blame?

Calcaneal Apophysitis is common presentation for kids aged 8-14 Allied Health Clinics.

This presentation is going to focus on a modern approach for Calcaneal Apophysitis. It will explore concepts on building rapport, explaining pain, practical explanations to aid in client understanding, the traction or compression evidence, and putting to bed the prescription of calf stretching once and for all.

Stephen Schofield

Head of Business Development

Stephen has over 25yrs experience working within financial services, the vast majority of which has been spent within mutual organisations and he therefore has a strong enthusiasm for the Mutual sector. In addition to Income Protection Stephen has significant experience within the Mortgage, PMI and Cash plans sectors within financial services for Mutual organisations.

Stephen joined PG Mutual in January 2012 with responsibility for the management and development of the PG development team, product, new business strategy and relationships with PG’s new and existing partners and employer schemes.

Stephen is also a board Trustee at his local hospice.

An Introduction to “Income Protection”

A brief introduction into what “Income Protection” is, who it is suitable for and why many people deem it an important aspect of their financial resilience.

Laura Welsh

Cosmetic and Aesthetic Podiatrist

About me

I only qualified as a podiatrist in 2017 from Glasgow Caledonian University. In my previous working life, I trained as a nurse which I absolutely hated, worked with individuals with alcohol and drug-induced mental health issues and worked in a few different office environments. During my nursing studies, I worked in a Vascular ward, and this is when I was first introduced to the role of Podiatry.

Initially, my interests were in MSK and creating orthotics. I loved making devices and getting them to look good however getting them to correct the issues proved to be the more challenging part. MSK is about trial and error and it is subjective. Being dyslexic, I like processes, patterns, and routines. This somehow led me down the pathway I am on just now.

My clinic specialises in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Podiatry treatments. Having worked in mental health for several years, I understand pain can manifest in many ways and not just be classed as a definitive “physical pain” that we can describe using adjectives such as sharp, stabbing, and tingling. Our treatment list varies from traditional treatments such as verruca, nail surgeries and callous reduction to Botox injections, dermal fillers for corns and a prescription service with blood collection for fungal nails.

#Podiatry is Evolving

#Podiatry is Evolving

I hope this presentation might help some podiatrists who are a little lost or stuck in a rut like I was. I would like to tell you about my journey. From being a busy fool managing a jam-packed diary with no direction, no plan and NO MONEY to reevaluating the business from the ground up during Covid. I sought help from a mentor who gave me the heart and belief to explore the possibilities and push the boundaries of podiatry. I love my place of work, have a much more manageable diary, and have proper direction.

All the things needed to keep me going for the next 30 years, 3 months and 20 odd days till the big “R” approaches.

Jill Sommerset RVT, Miguel Montero-Baker MD, and Brian Lepow D.P.M

HOPE Vascular & Podiatry

About us

Dr. Montero-Baker is a vascular surgeon.

Jill Sommerset is a vascular ultrasound technologist.

Dr. Lepow is a surgical podiatrist.

Contemporary Management in CLTI

Three presentations represent the toe and flow model at HOPE Vascular & Podiatry in Houston, Texas.


Marketing Manager

About me

Tabitha has worked at Rushcliff for over 10 years, beginning her career in the support team before moving on to manage the marketing department.

With more than a decade’s worth of experience in supporting allied healthcare professionals with digital software, Tabitha is passionate about combining her marketing skills with this experience to continue to provide valuable education and support to the healthcare community.

Embracing Digital Healthcare

In this workshop, we will explore the benefits of digital healthcare and using online client forms. Join us for an in-depth look at how digital healthcare fits into modern-day society and why it’s becoming a staple of everyday healthcare.

We’ll also look at a case study which shows the tangible benefits of moving from paper to a digital client form system, followed by some comprehensive advice on where to start when making the switch and the different uses of online forms, including new client registration and patient feedback.

Ben Pearl, DPM


A twenty-five year resident of Arlington, Virginia, Dr. Ben Pearl has been a practicing physician in the Arlington and McLean area since 1992. Recently selected as one of the Washingtonian Magazine’s top sports doctors, he is a graduate of the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine. He is on an advisory board at FDA.

Dr. Pearl was featured in the Washington Post Magazine depicting his passion for skiing and teaching. He has had television interviews with Dr. Nancy on MSNBC on barefoot running and provided foot health information for News Channel 8. He has been published in Podiatric journals and contributes regularly to Podiatry Magazine. Dr. Pearl is a fellow of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.

He was the team podiatrist for the District Track Club, an elite Olympic development track team in Washington DC. He serves as medical director for the SUNY New Paltz high school cross country camp.

He offers foot and ankle care to patients of all ages. He has also been a consultant at the National Institutes of Health and the FDA. Dr. Pearl has a special interest in sports medicine, which is enhanced by his own participation in running, soccer, bicycling, and ski instruction.

Dr. Pearl has authored a number of articles on podiatric health. He also produces regular videos on foot care, biomechanics, 3-D Orthotic printing, gait analysis, and sports injuries and prevention.

Dr. Pearl is a subject matter expert in Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy, Infared and Laser Therapy.

Treating Athletes From Motor Mapping to the Power of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy)

In this presentation Dr. Pearl will review Biomechanics and motor mapping and discuss the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy.

Rachel Green

Mentor to New Practice Owners and Director of Infinite Podiatry & Physio

About me

Rachel owns a thriving Podiatry and Physio practice in Herefordshire, employing clinicians from all over the world in multi-disciplinary fields. Rachel opened her first Podiatry practice in a cabin in her garden, with next to no business knowledge and zero friends or mentors to ask when something went wrong.

Having Googled, Guessed and Grafted her way to success, Rachel now supports other Podiatrists to dream, plan and launch their first Podiatry practice. With Infinite New Practice Support, Rachel combines her practical experience with her innate mentoring spirit, to stand alongside Podiatrists as they navigate the often-overwhelming process of starting a private practice.

Dreaming of Opening Your First Podiatry Practice: Tips on getting it right from day one!

Dive into the world of podiatry practice ownership with me.

Whether you’re just entertaining the idea of opening a private practice or are on the brink of taking the plunge, this presentation is for you.

Stepping into the unknown can be daunting, but I’ve got plenty of tips and tricks to share with you to help you on the way! There’s no need to travel this road alone, there are literally hundreds of Podiatrists who have done this before you, so you don’t need to re-write the handbook!

In this presentation I’ll share with you my journey, what worked and what didn’t work, and how to take the first steps into your own successful practice.

Dr Matt Kidd

Director of Research and Development

About me

Matt is responsible for clinical research collaborations, executing a number of successful clinical trials, and managing ongoing research and development activities. He joined Emblation in 2015.

He has 20 years of experience in engineering and research, working across diagnostic medicine and cardiology. More recently, he has been involved with dermatology, gynaecology, and vascular diseases.

Matt holds a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.

Swift Research

Hear from Dr Matt Kidd, Director or Research, Emblation Ltd (Swift manufacturer) as he discusses some of the recently published research papers and posters. The Swift community comprises numerous research-focused clinicians who have undertaken extensive research into the application of microwave therapy for warts, fungal nail infections, and molluscum contagiosum. Dr Kidd’s presentation will encompass an examination of these publications, and he will also provide an update on the company’s ongoing clinical trials.

Emily Smith

Sports Podiatrist, Founder of Emily Braidwood & WTA Medical Advisor

About me

Emily Smith is the WTA’s Sports Podiatrist, the Managing Director of Sydney Sports Medicine Centre and the founder of innovative insole company, Emily Braidwood.

Emily has extensive sports medicine experience working with elite teams including Wallabies, NSW Institute of Sport, NSW Swifts, Bangarra Dance Theatre and now her global role supporting the top 200 women’s tennis players with orthoses, footwear and injury management.

Emily is passionate about applying research to solve common pathomechanical patterns and pioneer insole solutions that address the specific needs of athletes and individuals alike.

The parallels between optimising human locomotion & high heel comfort

Join the WTA’s Sports Podiatrist Emily Smith on an intriguing exploration of the parallels between high heel biomechanical dysfunction and the critical propulsive phase of human gait. In this presentation, Emily will outline the findings of her yet-to-be-released research into high heel pain and flat shoe dysfunction, whilst providing thought-provoking, clinically relevant applications.

Emily will reveal the significance of the exaggerated Windlass Mechanism, a phenomenon observed in 8 out of 10 individuals. This low gear (sickle) form is not only associated with the use of 4cm+ heeled shoes but is also identified in the terminal stance phase of gait, particularly in cases of muscle fatigue. By delving into the biomechanical intricacies she will explore how a low gear form leads to muscle overuse, instability, pain, acute injuries and toe deformities in a high heel, as well as poor propulsive power, alignment, tissue activity and stability in barefoot and shod athletes.

Drawing from her extensive experience in Sports Medicine, spanning over 18 years, Emily will challenge conventional gait cycle assessment methodologies. She will present a fresh perspective on reverse engineering the gait cycle, aiming to optimise the terminal stance phase and subsequently enhance overall gait cycle efficiency.

Prepare to be captivated as Emily Smith introduces innovative clinical thinking and off-the-shelf insole products, bridging the worlds of high fashion and high-performance biomechanics.

Interested in speaking?

We want to hear from you!

Kathryn Goodlad

Conference and Events Manager, Osgo

Here at the Foot and Ankle Show we're always keen to bring new names and topics to our audience to ensure we keep the highest standards of CPD possible. If you'd like to learn more about what we're all about, please get in touch and we'd love to talk.