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25th August 2022 – The Foot & Ankle Show Digital is back!
We are delighted to announce that the Foot & Ankle Show is back, AGAIN!
The Foot & Ankle Show Digital attracts thousands of delegates from around the world and as such (in the absence of an in-person conference this year) we are creating a fifth event to be held on 13th & 14th October 2022.
The Foot & Ankle Show Digital brings you meaningful CPD, unique clinical insights and new skills to propel your practice. The show will be delivered by our line-up of outstanding speakers from around the world direct to you, wherever you are. Dive into hours of transformative education that is focused on the clinicians who want to progress their practice.
The show content is pre-produced meaning that you can make your own timetable which is ideal for our international delegates who don’t have to wake early or stay up late to join us! It also means that you can pause the presentations to take notes and you can watch them as many times as you wish. It’s the ideal conference!
As always, the digital show is FREE to attend, and registration is now open at We’ll see you there!
31st March 2022 – Introducing Kirsten Sinclair – Celtic SMR Healthcare
I am delighted to be taking part in The FAS Digital this year, representing Celtic SMR Healthcare and talking about the MLSⓇ laser. My presentation is titled “So, What’s All The Fuss About The MLS Laser?” and I’m really excited to speak about just that! As a Podiatrist in private practice, I was always looking out for ways to improve and grow my treatment options and my business. After hearing about the MLSⓇ laser in 2019, I added this modality into my clinical practice and didn’t look back. It has been a constant learning curve since then, I learn new things about therapeutic laser almost every day and that’s something I particularly enjoy.
The term ‘laser’ may be considered a little outdated with the modality more often being referred to now as ‘photobiomodulation’ or PBM. The reason for this being that laser is considered to be a very non distinct term which could potentially refer to a number of different applications for phototherapy. Numerous devices are available to carry out PBM treatments, with most being class 3B lasers or more recently, higher powered class IV lasers. There are many variables between different devices including the wavelength of the light delivered, the power of the machine itself, delivery technique and the frequency of the light pulses.
For my presentation, I’m going to talk through the science behind photobiomodulation. I’ll discuss the effects that the afore mentioned variables have on the treatment delivered as well as how PBM actually works to affect physiological and cellular changes. I will also present some case reports to demonstrate the use and effectiveness of MLSⓇ for a variety of conditions.
I am so passionate about PBM and the MLSⓇ laser because I’ve seen first hand the difference it can make for both my patients and my practice and regularly hear more reports from PBM practitioners about the successes they’ve had. There is some very exciting research going on in the world of PBM at the moment, including at the ASA Institute in Florence into the use of PBM to treat patients with Covid 19 and at the Limburg Oncologic Laser Institute where they are researching the effect of PBM in cancer care to prevent or reduce the side effects of treatments, specifically lymphedema, radiodermatitis, hair loss and neuropathy as effects of chemotherapy. I’ve said it many times and will say it again, I feel like we’re at the tip of the iceberg with the use of PBM in healthcare and I’m excited to be here for it.
18th February 2022 – Conference Dates
The last two years have been without many of their usual date markers for many of us due to the pandemic. Its difficult to measure time, or to reflect when things happened over the last two years because the normal markers we use for before or after are mainly missing, Holidays, family gatherings and of course, conferences!
Over the last two years we had to pivot as our 2020 Foot and Ankle Show wasn’t able to go ahead, so we created The Foot and Ankle Show Digital. Thank you all for your support with this new format, it was an enormous success with the first effort bringing over 3500 of you to view the show. The advantages of digital are obvious, no travel, no accommodation, and the flexibility to watch when it suits are amazing for many of us, but there’s also nothing like bumping into old friends and making new ones at a physical event.
Conference centres have had an enormous challenge, having to reschedule so many events and try to maintain their own business, and this has caused some changes to timing for events at the large exhibition centres in our sector. We held our event at the ACC in Liverpool in October 2021, the earliest opportunity as measures allowed. The joy on people’s faces at reconnecting made all of the hard work worthwhile, and reignited our passion for bringing you the very best events.
Scheduling means that we have now put the next event in February 2023, it doesn’t clash with other events and is again held in the vibrant city of Liverpool, we’re very excited to see you all back there. Fear not though, we are keeping you entertained with another Foot and Ankle Show in the meantime. March 2022 will see our next edition, with speakers and delegates from around the globe, and the event is FREE for you to attend on your smartphone, tablet, smart tv or any other device. Education, inspiration and community is what we always strive to bring you, so come with us on these great events to keep pushing our practices towards a better tomorrow.
Interested in exhibiting?
We want to hear from you!

Kathryn Goodlad
Conference and Events Manager, Osgo
Here at the Foot and Ankle Show we're always keen to bring new names and topics to our audience to ensure we keep the highest standards of CPD possible. If you'd like to learn more about what we're all about, please get in touch and we'd love to talk.