Your Extended Access Pass is here

With international speakers from around the globe, we not only hope you benefit from the extended access to CPD offered but also make use of it in your practice. CPD shouldn’t be painful, it should improve not only your day-to-day life in practice but also that of your patients.

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Give us a call on +44 161 714 4114 or email us at

Emily Ball FFPM RCPS (Glasgow)

How Robust is your Healthcare Practice

Mark Hinkes, DPM

Amputation Prevention for Patients with Diabetes

Dave Buchanan

Lower limb orthoses: Pre and Post Prescription Trouble shooting

FootHealth Battersea – Amanda Perry-Harding, Simon Harding, Sarah Pellumbi & Jessica Harding

The Lasting Legacy

David Wylie

Developing an inexperienced team

Mr Hisham Shalaby

Neuro-Muscular Deformities of the Foot & Ankle

M. Dolores Farrer, DPM, MBA, CWS

Hot Stuff: Using thermometry in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diabetic foot complications.

Stephen Schofield

You’ve built it now protect it

Professor Debbie Turner

Psoriatic Arthritis – Understanding the disease burden to achieve better outcomes for our patients

Ian Sadler

Bringing 3D Orthotic Insole Printing ‘In Clinic’. What, Why, How and When?

Dr Subhasis Basu

An imaging talk through pathologies in the foot and ankle

Anna Conway

Lessons from 20+ years of Podiatry – NHS to Private Practice

Sean Savage

Diagnosis and Conservative Management of Lateral Foot pain in the Athletic Patient

Karl Guttormsen

Advanced clinical Practice

Lianne Bertelli

Five PR Tips – Develop your own PR strategy

Lorcan O Donaile

The New Patients On Tap Formula

Justin Blake

What’s wrong with your current marketing and how you can fix it

Lynne Reedman/Gemma Andrews – DUET Diabetes

Commercial Promotion – Hands on Feet Training Portfolio – together we can make a difference!